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Why Karma’s Garden Paint is not in Glass Jars


  • Ease of Transportation.

The first time I purchased paint in mason jars, I was so excited, until I got into my car for the 25 minute drive home. Jars are glass, and as we all know glass can be fragile, especially when rolling around on the floor of car. The fact that paint was inside made me feel like I was transporting live grenades that had to be handled like delicate eggs!  We want you to get your paint home without worrying about breaking the container, and spilling the contents all over your vehicle interior.


  • Ease of Use

Some people prefer to paint straight from the source, and if your painting a larger piece and using a a big brush, it’s really hard to put a 4 inch brush in a 3 inch hole! Even if your brush is small,  it can still be cumbersome to navigate that smaller opening. I prefer to put my paint into small plastic tubs (like margarine or sour cream tubs) using a large plastic disposable spoon. That way, if my brush is ‘shedding’ or isn’t totally spotless from my last project,  I don’t contaminate the new can with debris or a different color of paint.


  • True color selection

Have you ever gone to a paint store and poured through paint chips for hours, even days, bringing them home to match to your furniture, or a favorite item?  You finally narrow it down to that one (or two or three) special color and have your paint mixed for you. The salesperson puts a little dot of color on the lid, dries is with a blow dryer,  closes it up, and sends you on your way. You arrive home, open the  can, and…..this does NOT look like what you picked out.  That’s because WET paint does not represent the final color. You should always select your color based on a dried sample painted on a surface similar to what you will be painting. Chalk style paints also look VERY different  bare,  versus  waxed. That is why our retail locations have wood samples of all of our colors in two forms: bare, and natural waxed, so that you can select the right paint for your project.




If you are just hankering for something in a mason jar, we've got you covered, check out our all natural 100% Beeswax candles!

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